Machteld D’Hollander is an architect living and working in Ghent.
As a psychologist she developed a fascination for architecture through travelling and the renovation of her house with architect Jan De Vylder. She studied architecture at the Sint-Lucas campus Ghent, Belgium. After an internship at architecten de vylder vinck taillieu she collaborated with Caroline Lambrechts on the projects Patijn and B&bazel, which were picked up by different architectural sites and journals (Patijn: archdaily, subtilitas, abitare; B&bazel: subtilitas, afasia, archello).
Machteld currently works as an independent architect. She continues to be interested in human behaviour and the interaction of people with their environment. As a predoctoral researcher at the research group ‘urban projects, collective spaces & local identities’ at the KULeuven she worked on the multiplicity of identities of places. In her projects she tries to shape new dynamics and perspectives between people and their living environment. Her project 'Braem' was published by several architectural sites (afasia, subtilitas, archdaily) and nominated for the buiding of the year award 2023 by Archdaily.
From 2022 she works as a teaching assistant at the KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture.
Machteld D’Hollander
Patijntjestraat 125, 9000 Gent
Tel. +32 473 81 40 92
Instagram: @machtelddhollander
Btw BE 0849.195.705
Wannes De Brouwer
Esmee Nuyts, student